Saturday, 31 March 2007

Thursday 29th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, Thursdays. What can I say? Long day. Early start this morning - got up at 6:50 - late finish - didn't get in until 23:20. So I'm wrecked... AND I walked to work! How's that for healthy living? I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed walking to work, Radio One playing through my phone, getting totally drenched in the misty weather, but feeling great when I got there. Also coming home - it takes about half an hour, but it only feels like five minutes. And, this time I didn't feel as exhausted when I came in as I did last Friday.

I would have walked to work tomorrow too, but I have a few appointments that I need the car for. Never mind. Next week I'll probably walk in Wed, Thurs, Fri. Great!

Anyway, on to today's incomings:

07:00 - Frosties - Semi skimmed milk

08:00 - Walk to work - 30 minutes

08:30 - 1 glass of water

10:00 - 1 glass of water

11:21 - 1 glass of water

11:30 - 3 x Go Ahead bars

12:20 - 2 brown bread rolls, with tuna and pineapple

13:10 - 1 glass of water

14:00 - 1 glass of water

14:50 - 1 Orange

15:30 - 1 glass of water

17:00 - Walk home - 30 minutes

17:45 - Cheese and mushroom pasty, potatoes and peas

17:50 - 1 glass of fruit juice

20:20 - 1 pint of water

21:45 - Slice of steak pie

22:00 - 1 glass of water

22:30 - Mini chocolate buttons and mini fudge.... oops!

Well, I think that I did really well pretty much all day, right up to the end there. But I'm still giving myself a pat on the back - fruit, exercise, it's all there.

I went shopping tonight, and I've changed my cereal to Cornflakes, hopefully less sugars in that, and I got a bag of apples, bag of oranges, bunch of bananas and punnet of kiwis. So planning a much healthier week!

Anyway, until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Friday, 30 March 2007

Wednesday 28th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Today was less hectic than the last two, but busy nevertheless.

I don't really feel that I have eaten much today, so here are my incomings:

07:30 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

10:16 - 1 glass of water and custard cream

11:15 - 1 glass of water

12:10 - 2 brown bread rolls, with tuna and pineapple

12:20 - 3 Go Ahead bars

12:30 - 1 glass of water

13:20 - 1 glass of water

14:40 - 1 glass of water

15:35 - 1 glass of water

16:40 - 1 Orange

20:00 - Chicken Stir Fry with Rice

20:10 - 1 glass of Orange

I was shattered today, as I didn't have a good sleep last night, so that is all I am going to say. I must stop eating those Go Ahead bars, they're covered in sugar!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Tuesday 27th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, I thought yesterday was bad... I had no idea what was in store for me today. My word!

Okay, it started with pure medlam. I got to work at 8.30, but I had to be at a meeting in another location at 9.15. So I had given myself plenty of time. I just needed to check my emails, see if anything had come in about the meeting that I was going to. It had, so I printed those off. Then, a colleague rang in sick, and I had to cancel two of her appointments. Then, another colleague was running training that day, and needed help with the materials. THEN, the Big Boss came in, and asked me to do some work for her! I explained that I was going to a meeting, but she insisted. Well you just don't say no to the Big Boss! Anyway, that only took 5 minutes, cos I'm so good.... Then I left for the meeting, and got there at 9.05. It was early, but I had wanted to be earlier than that. There were only two people waiting. Anyway, when I got back to the office at lunchtime, I was snowed under until about three - I didn't even have time to keep a record of what I had eaten!

I remember most of it, so this isn't going to be too accurate, but I have a new plan, which I will tell you about after this:


07:15 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

09:10 - Glass of water (and then at least two more throughout the morning)

12:00 - 2 x White bread rolls, tuna and pineapple

13:00 - Water

It gets a bit hazy now - I can't remember what else I had until dinner time...

17:45 - Steak, potatoes, peas, carrots

17:50 - 1 glass of Orange juice

18:00 - Cadbury's buttons

I can't remember what else I ate...

However, this is the new diet and fitness plan, which I plan to start on MOnday 2nd April.

This also incorporates walking to work twice a week, a three mile round trip.

Timings may vary on things, but this is the basic framework that I want to stick to. Notice the amount of fruit consumed, no snacks really, and healthiness. Yeah!

Here goes:

(Timings are subject to change)

07:00 - Rice Krispies (semi skimmed milk)

08:00 - 1 Glass of water

09:00 - 1 Glass of water

10:00 - 1 Glass of water

10:30 - 1 Banana

11:00 - 1 Glass of water

12:00 - 1 Glass of water

12:30 - 2 Brown Bread Sandwiches with Tuna

12:45 - 1 Low Fat Hazelnut Yogurt

13:00 - 1 Glass of water

14:00 - 1 Glass of water

15:00 - 1 Glass of water

15:30 - 1 Orange

16:00 - 1 Glass of water

17:00 - 1 Glass of water

17:30 - Exercise Bike - 20 minutes

18:00 - Dinner

18:15 - 1 Glass of water

18:30 - Piece of fruit

19:00 - 1 Glass of water

20:00 - 1 Glass of water

21:00 - 1 Glass of water

21:15 - Piece of fruit

No more food after 21:15

So I'll keep you posted on this, and I still appreciate your comments!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Monday 26th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, today was a hectic day which ended in... disaster.

It started off with an early morning. After work, I had to nip in to town to do a few things. From there I had to got to my mother in law's to help her shift some furniture. Lashed home, grabbed a kind of healthy snack, had to then go and get my dearly beloved and take her back into town for a friend's leaving do (which is silly for a Monday night), that finised at 10.15, so then had to go back into town to pick her up and drop off two others! Meantime, I hadn't eaten anything. So a long day with no dinner. Grrr...

The rest of the incomings went something like this...:

07:15 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

08:30 - 1 glass of water

09:45 - 1 glass of water

11:40 - 2 brown bread rolls with tuna and pineapple

12:20 - 3 Go Ahead bars

12:30 - 1 glass of water

13:10 - 1 glass of water

13:30 - 1 Muller yogurt

14:20 - 1 glass of water

15:52 - 1 black coffee and a custard cream

16:20 - 1 Orange

17:20 - 3x Ryvita with Dairy Lea spread

And from that point on it went to pot.... I must admit that I had a couple of bites of chocolate. I did want to go on the exercise bike - in fact there were lots of things that I did want to do, but time just rushed away from me. I was already shattered from the long, hectic day at work, and then all of the running around (well, driving, technically), just about finished me off.

Oh well. As a good friend always says, "Never mind!"

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Monday, 26 March 2007

Friday 23rd March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, I did it - I walked to work! It was fantastic. It only took half an hour, but I felt so invigorated when I got to work, I was buzzing! Of course, as the day wore on, and the weather turned nasty, I was left with the foreboding challenge of walking back home... I was even offered a lift home, but turned it down. When it came to 'home time', it was cool but bright, so, Radio 1 playing through my phone, I headed home. I was wrecked when I got home, half an hour later, but within five minutes I had that invigorated feeling back - it felt so great! So I'm definitely going to make a habit of it.

I tell you what's really good about spending a full day at work - you bring your lunch with you, and then that's it. No nipping into the kitchen for a piece of chocolate, no sitting around thinking, "I'm bored - I'll have something to eat." I think that's what is the trouble with weekends and evenings - it's so easy to nip into the kitchen, into a shop, and grab a bite of totally unhealthy, anti dieting food.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings - onto the good stuff - today's incomings.

07:00 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk (I've been told to cut out the Frosties because of their high sugar content - so when I finish this box I'll go back to Rice Krispies...)


08:15 - 1 glass of water

09:30 - 1 glass of water

10:40 - 3x GO Ahead Apple biscuits (very nice, apparently low fat too...)

11:04 - 1 glass of water

12:26 - 1 glass of water

12:30 - 2x white bread rolls, stuffed with tuna and pineapple

12:35 - 2x Muller Yogurts (again, been told that these are high in sugar... great...)

14:13 - 1 glass of water

15:00 - black coffee, 2 sugars and 1 bourbon biscuit!

15:45 - 1 glass of water


17:25 - 1 glass of water

19:00 - Pizza (Chicken, peppers, mushroom and sweetcorn) and jacket potato

So that was it people - a long day, plenty of good food (not much junk their really!) and plenty of exercise.

Now all I need is to keep that up, and get myself a decent sponsor, and make a bit of money out of my diet!!!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Friday, 23 March 2007

Thursday 22nd March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Another long day - Thursday's usually are. Unfortunately, I didn't go on the exercise bike last night - I got in at half past eleven, and I did want to go on it, but I had a bad stomach as well. So I didn't. But, to compensate, and to kick start a healthy 'new me', I'm walking to work tomorrow. So I'll let you know how I get on with that.

Anyway, on to today's incomings (please bear in mind that Thursday is Grandmother day)...:

07:10 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

09:00 - 1 glass of water

10:00 - 1 glass of water

12:10 - 2 white bread rolls filled with succulent chicken... mmmm...

12:15 - 1 Muller Yogurt

12:10 - 1 'Good For You' chocolate bar

12:25 - 1 Muller Yogurt (yes, another one!)

13:30 - 1 glass of water

15:10 - 1 Orange

15:54 - 1 glass of water

16:30 - 1 glass of water

17:50 - Chick sticks, potatoe stars and peas

18:10 - 1 glass of orange juice

20:15 - 1 pint of water

21:50 - slice of Steak pie

22:20 - 1 mini bag of Cadbury's Chocolate buttons

22:30 - 1 glass of water

22:40 - 1 small piece of cake

Okay, so I know I was a bit naughty, eating chocolate and cakes - but look how much water I drank! Six smaller cups of water and 1 pint! I'm really pleased with my water consumption, it will help flush my system out!

Anyway, must dash, but will be back with tomorrow's intakings... and I'll let you know how I got on walking to work!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Wednesday 21st March 2007

Alrighty There People!

I'm happy. I'm proud. I'm aching and sore though. You know what that all means? Yup, I've been on the exercise bike!!!! Woohoo! Read on to find out more...

Also, I'm going to start walking to work twice a week, 1.5 miles each way, so that will help keep me healthy, fit, and to sleep well at night too.

On to today's incomings...:

07:20 - Frosties and semi skimmed milk

08:45 - 1 glass of water

10:15 - 1 cup of coffee

11:25 - 1 glass of water

12:20 - 2 white bread rolls, filled with tuna and pineapple... nice...

12:30 - 1 Muller yogurt

13:15 - 1 glass of water

15:46 - 1 glass of water

16:20 - 1 orange

19:00 - Chicken korma and rice

19:10 - 1 glass of orange juice

22:00 - 1 pint of water

22:20 - 10 minutes/2 miles - EXERCISE BIKE!

22:40 - 1 pint of water

23:00 - Hot chocolate

So what do you think of that? Much healthier. Although I did eat a couple of tiny chocolates, they were complimentary ones, but I didn't put them in...

I really do think that if I do more exercise, the bike daily and walking twice a week, it should make a big difference.

I weighed myself - closer to 14 stone than 13.5, I'm quite gutted by that. Never mind, I shall persevere!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Tuesday 20th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

What a day, a very long day. Early start, late finish, lots to do in between.... Intake was... well, you'll see.

And I'm ashamed to say that I did not go on the exercise bike - I was going to, but I was so shattered that I couldn't bring myself around to it. So instead I watched Prison Break... Ooops.

But tomorrow I will definitely go on it, I am determined to, and I shall make time for it. And when my sponsorship comes through from any gym, I'll be ready! (Hint hint hint...)

Anyway, today's incomings went something like this...:

07:15 - Frosties with Semi skimmed milk

08:27 - 1 glass of water

09:15 - 1 glass of water

10:43 - 1 glass of water

11:25 - 1 glass of water

11:30 - 1 Snack A Jack. Never thought I would like them, but it was okay...

12:40 - 2 white bread rolls with Cheese and cucumber

12:45 - 1 hazelnut yogurt

12:50 - 1 cherry bakewell (it's kinda fruit...)

14:38 - 1 smoothie (strawberry, berries, other mixed fruit...)

15:25 - 1 glass of water

16:39 - 1 glass of water

17:45 - Macaroni cheese, chips, and corn on the cob

17:50 - 1 glass of orange juice

21:50 - 1 glass of chocolate Yazoo

21:00 - 2 Weight Watchers biscuits

22:00 - Caramel shortbread

Okay, so today wasn't brilliant - I wasn't exactly an angel in my food consumption. However, I do feel that I am getting better - I'm cutting down on the rubbish that I eat, and drinking more water. It's the evenings that get me, sitting down, watching Prison Break, eating junk. Maybe I should sit down with an orange or a banana or something.

I need to make some more smoothies too - I think that they are an acquired taste though - they're really thick and have bits in them. My problem, too, is that I drink them as a meal, whereas really they're supposed to be a replacement - you know, have a smoothie for breakfast, or have a smoothie for lunch. Not ha/ve breakfast then have a smoothie, because then really you're having two breakfasts, which is rubbish for a dieting person. Like me.

Anyway, I may weigh myself tonight, I might even post some more pictures - you know like I said initially, that I would post them daily? Kinda fell out of that habit didn't I... I'll try again.

Anyway, until tomorrow...


The Dieting Man

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Monday 19th March 2007

Arighty There People!

Well, it's Monday. The exercise bike is now out of the spare room, and in the passage. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to go on it yet - I had planned on going on it this evening, but I didn't get in from work until 6.15, and I had loads to do, which included updating a website, and watching two episodes of Prison Break... I'm going to try and go on tomorrow night, even though I generally don't get in until 9.30 on a Tuesday. Mind you, it's only twenty/thirty minutes that I need to do...

I've also decided that I'm going to walk to work twice a week. It's not too far, only about half an hour, but it's quite hilly, so should be good for me. More exercise is the key to losing more weight!

Mind you, I haven't weighed myself at all recently, probably due to the fact that I don't think I have lost any weight! Saying that, my watch has become slack recently - but who wants to lose weight on their wrist???!

Anyway, on to today's incomings...:

07:15 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

09:42 - 1 small cup of water

11:22 - 1 small cup of water

11:40 - 2 brown bread rolls, with tuna and pineapple - nice

12:20 - Cadbuy's Caramel

14:20 - 1 small cup of water

15:45 - 1 small cup of water

18:20 - 3 mini coconut bites

20:45 - Pizza and chips

20:55 - Orange juice

22:30 - A few spoonfuls of Ben and Jerry's ice cream...

Okay, so I know that today wasn't fantastic, but I will improve tomorrow - I'm not going to eat ANY chocolate, biscuits, cakes or anything like that... I WILL eat the orange that I know is sat on my desk... and I WILL go on my exercise bike sometime before I go to bed!

Anyway, looking at sponsorship - I could really do with some sponsorship, or even some simple support! Come on people, let me hear your encouragement! I reckon I could easily get sponsorship from Cadbury's or someone like that, but that would kinda be against the whole dieting thing... So someone like Springs Healthclub or something would be absolutely fantastic. So if you're reading, Springs, (or someone who works there!), get in touch!

Anyway, until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Friday 16th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, end of the week. Get in! Of coruse, that means that the weekend is looming - and we all know that everyone lets themselves go at the weekend, diet or no diet. This weekend is going to be especially hard - I've got a leaving do to go to... Cue lots of cakes and sweet stuff.

Did I mention that I'm no longer keeping this blog at the weekend? It's going to be purely Monday to Friday now, unless, of course, I obtain sponsorship... hint hint HINT!

When I came home from work, my wife had managed to take the exercise bike out of the office and put it in the passageway - no mean feat, I tell you. So it is sitting there now, and I look forward to putting it to good use... soon....

Anyway, on to the takings:

07:35 - Onken Biopot Yogurt - yup, the whole thing!

09:00 - 1 glass of pure natural bottled water

10:45 - 1 glass of pure natural bottled water

12:15 - Beans on toast - lovely!

12:30 - 1 chocolate yogurt... oh oh....

12:35 - 1 small piece of chocolate swiss roll... ooops...

15:00 - black coffee

15:20 - 6 pieces of Galaxy chocolate - forced upon me...

16:00 - 1 glass of pure natural bottled water

19:00 - Pasty, brocolli, cauliflower, potatoes

19:10 - 1 glass of mixed fruit

21:00 - 1/4 pot of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream...

Okay, okay, I know what you are saying - and I agree, it wasn't a fantastic day, healthy eating-wise. But it was Friday, and everyone knows how bad Friday's are. Cadbury's MARKETED Fridays with their Thank Crunchie It's Friday, or something absurd like that...

Anyway, the forthcoming week will get better, I am more determined to work hard at this diet...

Until.. next week,


The Dieting Man

Friday, 16 March 2007

Thursday 15th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, following yesterday's shambles of a day (well, more specifically, Dietally speaking), how did I fare today? Well, the orange on my desk that has been loitering suspiciously finally met his demise today, but there were a few naughty bits... read on to discover!

07:40 - Frosties and semi skimmed milk

09:30 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

10:30 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

12:15 - 2x brown bread, filled with Dairy Lea cheese spread and cucumber

12:20 - 1 chocolate yogurt (another fine Smart Price product. Admittedly, some Smart Price stuff is foul, believe me, but some is just real good. But no, ASDA, I don't think I would like sponsorship from Smart Price...)

13:15 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

14:24 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

16:00 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

16:10 - 1 Orange! Yay - it finally went!

17:20 - Chicken Tonight dinner, with rice

17:30 - 1 glass of special tap water. Okay, so not so special...

20:10 - Another glass - bigger - of tap water. Gotta love that water...

22:00 - 1 slice of Steak Pie - at the grandmother's

22:30 - 1 slice of Battenburg cake

So how do you think I have done today? Well, I think I get a plus point for the fruit. And I'm taking another Orange into work tomorrow. Okay, I didn't do any exercise today, but then again I didn't get in until quarter to midnight.

Here's good news though - I went shopping, and didn't buy any rubbish. I was very tempted by the profiteroles - I'm sure they nearly jumped into my trolley - but I managed to resist.

The exercise bike comes out of hiding tomorrow, I've managed to track it down and will wrestle it out of hiding after work.

I've been thinking about sponsorship. Surely someone would love to sponsor me, get a bit of publicity, in exchange for helping me loose weight? I was thinking like a gym or something - give me free membership for three months, I'll go to the gym twice a week, I'll wear their T shirt or whatever, and I'll 'advertise' them on this blog! What do you think?

Well, any other ideas are warmly welcomed.

By the way, tomorrow is Red Nose Day - check out The Laughter File, at for a Special Edition of Mark's book - raising money for comic relief!
(I have to plug his book, he'd go nuts if I didn't!)

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Wednesday 14th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Another day, another dollar... or summat like that :)

Well, today was a usual day at work, followed by a shopping trip (which naturally incorporated a diversion to Diet Hell, McDonald's...) Read on!

07:30 - Frosties and semi skimmed milk

08:45 - 1 small cup of refreshing work water (still awaiting that sponsorship...)

09:30 - 1 small cup of refreshing work water

10:30 - 1 small cup of refreshing work water

10:50 - Bounty - that beautiful chocolate and coconut combination that is so bad... but so good...

12:30 - 2x Brown bread rolls, filled with cheese and cucumber

12:40 - 1 Macaroon (naughty, naughty...)

14:10 - 1 small cup of refreshing work water

15:05 - 1 small cup of refreshing work water

16:00 - 1 small cup of refreshing work water

17:00 - 1 Cheeseburger, a couple of chips, and a small bit of Pepsi...

19:00 - A handful of mini creme eggs - but they're sooooo nice!

22:00 - Plate of pasta

22:15 - 1 glass of red wine

23:00 - 3/4 bar of Smart Price Chocolate. Seriously, have you tasted it? It's so nice, and at 25p a bar, really cheap (That's ASDA price...)

Okay, so let's analyse this... hmmm. Chocolate at work. McDonalds after work. Creme eggs whilst shopping. Chocolate whilst chilling. Erm, am I even ON a diet??!

Okay, so I need to work hard at this. Now, I've already said that motivation has been set in place, and basically I've got about three months to shed some serious sloth. So, before the end of the week (Sunday), the exercise bike will be out of hiding - at the moment, it's in the spare room, covered with loads of things. Yeah, real easy to use... So that's gonna come out, I'm gonna put it in the passage where I will see it everyday, and where my conscience will prick at me until I bleed to go on the infernal machine. And then I will lose weight.

Of course, added to that, I need to seriously curb some of my eating habits. Which will start... soon.
Remember the Epicureans? Their motto was "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die." Thing is, cause of death was obesity... so how about "Eat Healthily, Drink Moderately, Exercise Regularly - And Tomorrow Will Be Another Day". Hmmm, not too catchy - any suggestions on that one?

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Tuesday 13th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Another long day, it seems that's all I have at the moment.

Guess what? Soggy Bottom Boys are putting in another appearance. A friend is leaving for Spain, so we are throwing a party. Rock on. Another performance. I should start charging for these. Wait a minute - no, I'm bad at it, I should be paying people to put up with it :)

Anyway, I'm sure you're keen to see what dietary rules I broke today... So the incomings:

07:30 - Frosties and semi skimmed milk

09:16 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

11:00 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

12:10 - 3x white bread rolls, filled with gorgeous cheese and cucumber... mmmm

12:20 - 2x cardboard Weight Watcher biscuits, ridiculously overprice and undertasted

13:00 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

13:44 - 1 Twix single (evily forced upon me by a colleague...)

13:50 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

16:10 - 1 cup of Seaton Spring water

16:30 - 1 Double Decker. Why do I even try???!

17:50 - Dumplings, steak, potatoes and peas

17:55 - 1 glass of Orange juice

18:10 - 1 Cadbury's Dairy Milk Buttons yogurt.... groan.

22:00 - Hot chocolate

22:05 - Some big chunky chocolate cookie. Not Weight Watchers. So nice...

Well. What do you make of that? Erm... indulgences... keeping to my diet? I think not. There is an
orange on my desk that has been there since Friday. I WILL eat it tomorrow!

Anyway, I have motivation to lose some serious weight - I've booked my holilday. Yup, in the summer, I'm jetting off to Italy to visit my family, and they'll be appalled at my weight, so I'm going to lose it all, even if I have to take drastic measures, like peeling it off with one of those kebab meat thingies.... I WILL LOSE WEIGHT!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Monday 12th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, today was a bit of a disaster... what with me not having enough time to make lunch for work, I ended up going to Greggs - always a mistake! It has been really busy today, my back has been killing all day, and I've been naughty with my food... Take a look at this:

07:30 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

08:30 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

09:42 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

10:30 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

12:00 - Brown bread, sliced, tuna and cucumber - but from Greggs. Loads of fat in that!

12:30 - Fudge donut - noooooooooooooo!

12:40 - Cadbury's Twirl - can it get any worse? I'm afraid so!

13:20 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

15:00 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

16:00 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

17:20 - Macaroon. So nice, but at the same time, so bad...

20:20 - Pizza, nice, and... chips... from... McDonalds! Nooooooo!

20:30 - Glass of genuine tap water

22:00 - Muller yogurt - the chocolate crunch corner one! Aaaargh!

So... let's see... I got my lunch from Greggs, which is a big no no, I also got a cake from Greggs. Then, I got chocolate whilst at work, came home, had a macaroon, and then Pizza and chips. Diet? What diet? This is a junk food diet! Oh man, I need to SERIOUSLY get my act together.

Okay, this week, I'm getting on the exercise bike. I AM!!!

Until tomorrow,

The Dieting Man

Sunday 11th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, today I woke up tired, sore and hungry. I was absolutely wrecked from all the exertion - physical and mental - of the day before. Unfortunately, I did not keep an accurate record of my intake today, but it went something like this:

Morning: Frosties with semi skimmed milk

Lunchtime: Two slices of toast, one with Peanut Butter, one with Nutella (if they want to sponsor me on this diet - not sure how that would work - but please, I welcome you!)

Dinner: Lamb steaks, yorkshire puddings, potatoes and peas. Followed by an extremely naughty but nice Chocolate Brownie. Mmmm. Was gonna have some red wine too, but forgot to take it out of the fridge. Ooops.

Anyway, that's the weekend over, maybe the coming week will add stability to my diet.
I know I've lapsed a bit, but I am determined to keep up with this!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Saturday 10th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Well, what a day.

To begin with, I was up at 6.30. Pleasant start to the weekend. Then as I was heavily involved in an anniversary party on the night, I had LOADS of running (or driving) around to do on the afternoon. So, it was a hectic day. Then, I was 'lead singer' in a cool rendition of "I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow", by The Soggy Bottom Boys, as featured in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", I played The Penguin in a screenplay of Batman and Robin, and I played the weird guy from Ray Steven's "Bridget The Midget". If I get footage of any of these, I'll post these on YouTube. And, of course, there was food. Now, me not being a fan of savoury food, and kinda forgetting the whole diet thing, made a bee-line for the cakes. But, let's be honest here, I was sooo busy that I didn't have a chance to eat much, and I hadn't had any lunch. It ended with me being extremely tired, extremely hungry, and extremely hurting. Especially after launching myself around on a Giant Space Hopper, doing a Ceilidh, AND doing The Hand Jive.

So, no, I did not keep a record of my intakings today, but suffice to say, it was not a lot...

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Friday 9th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

How are you?

I'm not too bad. It's been a long week and I don't feel like I have accomplished much. In fact, I feel quite down. I've not lost any weight, my motivation is waning, and... well, I like chocolate.

Anyway, todays incomings went something like this...:

07:40 - Frosties with semi skimmed milk

07:50 - Muller drink (can I get some kind of sponsorship deal here?)

08:45 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

09:36 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

10:16 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

12:01 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

13:00 - 3x small white bread rolls, filled with cheese and cucumber.... nice.

13:10 - 2x Weight Watcher biscuits (no sponsorship please, they taste like cardboard)

15:00 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

16:08 - Water (Seaton Spring - sponsorship please? I drink this water all day long!)

18:00 - Fajitas - chicken, red and green peppers, onion and relish. Mmmmmm... Nice....

18:00 - Water - just from the tap

So that was that. To be honest, my chocolate cravings didn't get the better of me today, but it's not
so bad when I'm cooped up at work... it's the weekend I need to worry about...

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

Top Gear Introduces The Stig

All the introductions to The Stig from the latest Top Gear series - including The Stig's American Cousin!Okay, not diet related, but had to post it! Anyway, features a Fat Stig. Maybe he should diet...

read more | digg story

Friday, 9 March 2007

Thursday 8th March 2007

Alrighty There People!

Okay, now, hopefully back on track :)

How are you all anyway? Hope you are fit and well.

I’m still not 100% well, and definitely not fit… yet… Okay, now that I have got that out of the way, let me tell you about my eating habits of the last week.

I’ve been drinking lots of hot drinks – mainly coffee and lemsips, to battle against my Man Flu. Meals have been pretty standard really, and I haven’t gone over the edge too much. Had a few cakes and chocolate things here and there, but nothing too extreme.

I’ve got some Weight Watcher’s biscuits, which are disgusting and look and taste like cardboard….

I’ve been eating quite a lot of Ryvita and DairyLea slices – I’m not sure if DairyLea is good for me or not, but it tastes really nice!

Okay, well here are yesterday’s intakings:

07:30 – Frosties and semi skimmed milk

07:50 – Muller Drink

08:35 – 1 small cup of water

09:35 – 1 small cup of water

10:37 – 1 small cup of water

10:46 – Kellogg’s Oat Bar

11:34 – 1 small cup of water

12:20 – 1 plate of pasta

12:30 – 1 glass of Orange juice

12:35 – 1 chocolate yogurt

13:35 – 1 small cup of water

14:20 – 1 small cup of water

15:05 – 1 small cup of water

15:51 – 1 small cup of water

17:00 – Steak Pie, peas, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli

17:15 – 2 glasses of Orange juice

17:30 – Muller yogurt

20:10 – 1 glass of water

20:15 – 1 tiny slice of cake

22:00 – 1 piece of steak pie

22:15 – 1 cup of black coffee

So really, I did take in quite a lot yesterday :)

I definitely need to do more exercise, but my back is killing at the moment.

Oh, and on Saturday – I’m doing a gig – a rendition of “I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow”, by the Soggy Bottom Boys from “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”

So when I do that, I’m gonna get it video’d and post a link to that here!

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

I've Had Man Flu... Again!

Alrighty There People!

Well, contrary to my last post, I have not been keeping you all updated with my daily feeding habits.... Why? Because I have had ANOTHER bout of Man Flu!

Yeah, I got struck down with it last Wednesday night, suffered on Thursday, was off work Friday and in bed all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and crawled back into work on Tuesday, but got sent home, went on a training course on Wednesday, back at work Thursday, and then here I am now at work on Friday.... phew!

So, unfortunately, I haven't been keeping track of my food - not that I have been eating a great deal anyway!

So that's the latest, I hope to have an update for you all very soon!

Until... later!


The Dieting Man

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