Thursday, 15 February 2007

Day 24 - Wednesday 14th February 2007 (Valentines Day)

Alrighty There People!

Well, back into the pattern of work. Groan. Another long day, another kind of successful day - but another day without exercise or photos. Sorry.

I'm kinda losing the determination to do this - I keep looking in the mirror and seeing no difference. I get on the scales, and they rocket around to over 13 and a half stone - I don't know exactly how much I weigh because I can't see those tiny little lines (I think I need a set of digital scales...)

Anyway, maybe I'm just having a bad day.

Here's todays incomings:

07:30 - Rice Krispies with semi skimmed milk

07:40 - Muller drink

08:30 - 1 small cup of water

09:11 - 1 small cup of water

10:20 - 1 small cup of water

11:39 - 1 small cup of water

12:15 - Beans on (two slices of white) toast

12:25 - Tropical juice

12:30 - 1 low calorie choc biscuit

12:55 - 1 'Good For You' choc bar

13:18 - 1 small cup of water

15:00 - 1 small cup of water

16:34 - 1 small cup of water

18:00 - Sausage caserole, potatoes, peas, 1 yorkshire pudding

18:15 - Tropical juice

22:00 - Chocolate yogurt

22:30 - 1 small glass of Chocolate Yazoo

Okay, so reading back over that, can pick out... chocolate... chocolate... chocolate... chocolate. Great. Am I failing in this diet? Is my motivation waning? Is my desire to lose weight lessening? I'm going on holiday in the summer - I WANT to be slimmer for that. That is my desire. That is my goal. That is my endpoint. I want to lose at least 2 stone by July 2007. I NEED to reach that goal.

Your help, comments, suggestions, support, motivation and advice are much needed and appreciated.

Until tomorrow,


The Dieting Man

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