Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Special K Diet: Monday's Report

Well, I'm gutted.

Monday started so well. New day, new week, determined start.

Special K with skimmed milk for breakfast. Check.
Alpen Light cereal bar for a mid morning snack. Check.
500ml of water during the morning. Check.
Special K with skimmed milk for lunch. Check.
A MILE long walk to post an ebay item at lunchtime. Check.
Pop in to ASDA for a Mars bar and big bag of M&Ms. Che-Wait, what? Oh damn.

When I got home from work, Mother Dear popped in to see me. She'd been to Scotland for the weekend. We chatted over coffee and a blueberry muffin. Groan.

Wife was exhausted when she got home from work, and neither of us felt like cooking. So we ordered in. Chicken Curry. Naan Bread. Onion bargees. Oh flipping heck.

I did go on the exercise bike for around twenty minutes, cycling just under 5 miles. I was tired and worn out, and didn't do any dancing.

Booted up the Wii, body test. BMI was 33.6. I'd gone up to 14 stone 1 pound. I sat on the sofa and held my head in my hands. Wife berated me, saying there's no point eating Special K, which isn't cheap, if I'm going to eat junk as well. She's right.

I went to bed with this weighing heavily on my mind.

Tuesday is going to be different. I'm really going to try hard. I WILL eat healthily. I WILL exercise. I WILL lose wieght.

I am The Dieting Man.

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