Thursday was a dark and miserable day. The weather wasn't too good either... No, but seriously, it was chucking it down all day.
I woke up feeling like I needed another three hours in bed - that's not a good way to start the day. Wearily, I trudged downstairs and let Dog out to do what he needs to do in the garden. I looked longingly at the kettle, but turned aside and grabbed a pint glass from the cupboard and filled it with ice cold water. Aaah. Lovely. Can you feel the sarcasm?
Two plums sat on the windowsill, looking at me, desperately wanting me to eat them. I sighed, and complied with their desire. Letting Dog back in, I fed him, then sat down to my laptop to see what was what.
Book sales: None yesterday.
Kindle sales: None yesterday.
Amazon sales: None yesterday.
Total online earnings: None yesterday.
Ah. This is why I have a dayjob. Nevermind.
I prepped my lunch and snacks for the day, got ready, and headed out for work. Then I made my first mistake.
Instead of taking the apple with me on my morning round, I took the Mars bar. That was gone, devoured, digested by 8.20. I had also taken my apple with me, but after eating the Mars bar, that had about as much appeal to me as a piece of cardboard with the word 'GARBAGE' emblazoned on it.
Heading back to base, I ate my lunch - faithfully sticking to my diet of two pieces of Ryvita with tuna and pineapple. The two plums on my desk were starting to look old - so I didn't bother with them. Instead, I updated this blog, and surfed the net, until I was back out on the road. Again, I took my apple with me, but didn't bother eating it.
As I was heading home, my mate Phil called me. He was in a spot of bother with his car, in that it wasn't starting. And hadn't started for about two hours. I told him that I wouldn't be long, and about half an hour, I pulled up to his workplace in the pouring rain, opened my bonnet, and connected both our batteries together. That's right, the engine bay that I had scrubbed clean two days earlier was now getting saturated by the downpour. But it's what you do to help your mates, isn't it... Anyway, he was kind enough to provide me with a jam scone - which in all honestly, I don't usually like, but after a day of hard work, and getting drenched, was actually quite nice. We sat for a while, shooting the breeze, me trying to convince him not to get the BMW 320d Sport that he wanted to replace his Renault Clio with, and telling him instead to be sensible and go down the Vauxhall Vectra route. We'll see what he ends up doing... Me? Yeah, I'm still after an Audi. Maybe a few more sales of The Black Shadow and I'll be there...
Then Wife called me. She wanted me to grab some veggies for dinner. I was miles away from ASDA, so I had to go to Morrisons (eugh). I found the veg Wife wanted, but by the time I got to the checkouts, I had managed to acquire a box of Magnum-esque ice creams and a Bounty. Ooops. (Yes, the Bounty was devoured by the time I got back to the van).
I had a killer headache, which I'd had since 1pm, so first thing I did when I got home was chuck a couple of pills down my gullet.
Dinner consisted of a chicken kiev, boiled potatoes, and mixed veg, but I hardly touched it. I felt ill. My head was pounding, it felt like the pressure inside it was building up - I actually thought that pus was going to start leaking out of my eyes. It was terrible. I also thought I was going to puke. Death was imminent. But, the fact that I am here now writing this shows that death was clearly not imminent, and I was just feeling unwell. A cup of coffee later (sensible, what with having a headache and that), some time, a lie down on the sofa, and I felt a lot better.
Playing Assassin's Creed later that evening, I had a Magnum-esque ice cream and a few ginger nuts, then went to bed. Shockingly, it was quarter to twelve.
Really, then, I hardly ate anything. And what I did eat was pretty much unhealthy. We didn't take Dog for a walk because the weather was so bad, which means a mammoth walk is in store for me today (Friday).
I'm actually looking forward to getting on the scales on Monday, to see what the score is - plus or minus. I honestly have no idea which way it's heading. It's almost exciting. Almost.
I may possibly post an update tonight, but not sure about the weekend, it's so busy.
Have a good one, and don't indulge (too much)!
The Dieting Man.
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