Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Day 7 - Sunday 28th January 2007

Alrighty There People!

Sunday was a busy day today, what with helping the mother-in-law move, and this is the first chance I have had to update the blog.

Again, unfortunately, no pics this time - maybe next time I post the pics you might see a vast improvement!

So Sunday's food and water consumption went like this:

09:30 - 1/2 Bio Yogurt - really nice, Strawberry flavour (does that count towards my 5-a-day?!)09:40 - Actimel drink. (Don't really like them, but I've got some better ones now)
14:00 - Vegetable soup and French bread - how continental!
14:10 - 1 glass of Orange juice
20:00 - Chicken Stir fry with rice (mmmmmm....)
20:10 - 1 pint of diluted water
20:30 - 1 glass of water
21:00 - 1 Kelloggs Oat Bar (really, really nice!)
22:00 - Hot chocolate with all the trimmings - marshmallows, chocolate swirls - come on, it's the weekend!

So didn't really eat that much on that day, because I was so busy.

Back to work Monday, where at least I seem to be able to drink loads of water.

You know, apparently, 80% of the time that you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty... I think I agree with that.



The Dieting Man

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